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Any student who has gender or gender identity related concerns can speak with the Residential Life Specialist about housing options by phone or email. 在这次谈话之后, 包括关于房间类型的讨论, 房间的位置, 浴室设施, 室友匹配选项, 将在适当的住房区域进行住房分配. 如果确定需要私人房间,将采用私人房间价格. During the process a student may opt out of any accommodations being offered and be assigned based on freshmen housing process.   

住宿专员会和你联系的, 通过电话或电子邮件, with any students whose gender recorded on the new student housing application does not match the legal sex recorded in the University’s data collection system. 如果你想用另一种方式开始谈话, you have questions about the housing process or if you would like to learn more about housing options available for students who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming please contact the Residential life office at 660.562.1214或电邮至 reslife@technestng.com.  


Upper-class students select housing through the room selection process held each spring and have the option to select gender neutral housing assignments or co-ed housing assignments.

塔套件, 林村公寓, sixth and seventh floor of Franken and the first floor lofts in South Complex offer gender-neutral housing. These designated suites and apartments are made available in the room selection process in the exact manner as all other housing options. A gender-neutral optional housing designation means that either a single-gender group or mixed gender group may select these suites or apartments. The selection of gender-neutral housing optional units will be by student choice only; no student will be assigned to a gender-neutral living situation without their consent.


The following policies and conditions are applicable to students who elect to live in a gender-neutral housing option and reside with a person of a different gender (regardless of sexual orientation, 性别认同或性别表达). You acknowledge that you understand the terms of the policy and conditions and agree to be bound by them.

  1. All roommates in gender-neutral housing must be 18 years of age at the time of the request, 必须是高年级学生或研究生,并且有资格获得大学住房. Incoming first-time freshmen are not eligible to participate during their first two semesters.
  2. 如果中性套房或公寓有空房, 下面的东西正好填满了空床:
    • 住宿及辅助服务 will allow the remaining residents to identify a new roommate to fill the vacancy. 住宿及辅助服务 will define the time allocated to find a new roommate. This window of time will vary depending on the time of year and status of the housing waitlist. 通常, 居民将被允许至少停留24小时, 但不能超过一个星期去找另一个室友.
    • 如果没有找到新的室友, 住宿及辅助服务 reserves the right to place another student who has requested gender-neutral housing in the open bed.
    • 住宿及辅助服务 also reserves the right to require the remaining residents to relocate to another room; room type match not guaranteed. 
    • 住宿及辅助服务, 由其自行决定, may allow the students occupying the room to pay for the additional space if all agree to the additional charge.  
  3. 在没有减轻罪责的情况下, residents will communicate to their roommate(s) any plans to change rooms or cancel their housing agreement as soon as possible.  
  4. 和大多数大学一样, Northwest discourages students of any sexual orientation who are in relationships from living together in a residence hall housing unit. However, we do not question students’ motives for wanting to live in a gender-neutral housing option.
  5. It is the resident’s choice if they want to tell their parents or guardian about their decision to live in a gender-neutral housing option. 住宿及辅助服务 encourages residents to talk with their parents or guardian about their housing choice so that they can be in support of their decision.
  6. Gender-neutral applicants follow the same room selection process and deadlines as other applicants. Students sign an additional agreement which affirms their understanding of the gender-neutral housing guidelines. 
  7. There is an inherent risk in entering the room selection process in a mixed-gender group. Should all suites or apartments that have the gender-neutral designation be selected by the time a mixed-gender group’s number is called, the group will be unable to select any housing unless it can be divided up into single-sex groups and select separate suites or rooms. 在选择房间的过程中是否需要住宿, 请联络住宿及辅助服务部.


Any student who has gender or gender identity related concerns can speak with the coordinator of assignments & 通过电话或电子邮件咨询住房选择. 在这次谈话之后, 包括关于房间类型的讨论, 房间的位置, 浴室设施和室友匹配选项, 将在适当的住房区域进行住房分配.

如果确定需要一个单独的房间, 私人房间的价格将适用,除非住宿已被批准 无障碍设施办事处. During the process a student may opt out of any accommodations being offered and be assigned based on freshmen housing process.   

The coordinator of assignments and administration will be in touch 通过电话或电子邮件 with any students whose gender recorded on the new student housing application does not match the legal sex recorded in the University’s data collection system. 如果你想用另一种方式开始这个对话, if you have questions about the housing process or if you would like to learn more about housing options available for students who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming, 请致电660与住宿及辅助服务办公室联络.562.1214或电邮至 reslife@technestng.com.