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Call for Proposals | 主持人(s) | Presentation Guidelines | Proceedings Guidelines | 视听教具


Call for Proposals

50-Minute Session Proposal     Lightning Round Proposal


As the presenter, you are the primary contact for your session. If you will be presenting with others, the lead presenter (first name listed in proposal) needs to keep other presenters informed of updated conference information. All presenters will need to 注册 for the conference. As an accepted presenter, you will receive a discounted registration rate.

Presentation Guidelines

50-minute sessions

Presentation sessions are 主动学习 opportunities that are practical and relevant to the challenges and user needs of academic libraries.

Each session may include 1 - 3主持人. Allow at least 5 minutes in your session for questions from attendees.

  • Present brief history/background of the topic
  • Avoid extensive institution demographics
  • Cover practical, applicable content
  • 避免行话
  • Limit amount of text on each slide, adding visual content
  • Practice the presentation

主持人 are encouraged to provide supplemental materials (URL to electronic "handouts" or upload presentation files).

主持人 are also invited to write a paper for the Proceedings, if desired. Papers should be 2,000-4,000 words in length.

15-minute lightning round

Have a great idea, procedure, product/service, but not enough content for an entire session? Consider being a presenter in a Lightning Round session.

Each session includes four "lightning presentations" back to back. This doesn't mean presenters talk fast, but presents the topic for a maximum of 15 minutes, with time for questions at the end of the fourth lightning round.

Each presentation is made by 一个个体. Avoid too much lead-up (history, background) to your main point. Focus on the main topic.

Bring a physical handout or a URL to an electronic "handout" in case attendees want more information or have questions to ask you. Please bring your presentation on a jump drive for dependable access should technical difficulties occur.

TIP: Practice the presentation and time yourself to stay comfortably within 15 minutes.

Lightning Round presenters are also invited to write a paper for the Proceedings, if desired. Papers should be 2,000-4,000 words in length.

Proceedings Guidelines

Submit your paper by email attachment (MS Word or rich text format) to bcpro@technestng.com 6月30日前. Late papers will not be accepted for publication except for emergencies beyond your control.  

Submit your paper using APA的风格

The Proceedings editors will return papers to the author(s) for revisions that don't align with these six guideline areas.

  1. 版权:
    • Submit only original work
    • 和记棋牌娱乐不要求 独家 权利

  2. 长度:
    • Minimum of 2,000 words/4,000 maximum
    • Word count includes figures and tables but excludes citations

  3. 格式: APA的风格
    • Please do not use the markup feature or style sheets in MS Word
    • Font size: Times New Roman, size 12, 除了 paper/presentation title
    • Title: center and bold, Times New Roman, size 14
    • Position of titles & author(s): center Times New Roman, size 12
    • Abstract heading: center and bold
    • Section headings: center and bold; divide the paper into sections that reflect your content (e.g., introduction, review of literature, findings, conclusions—your sections can be unique)
    • Section subheadings: flush left, 粗斜体, and title case (for more detailed information, see pages 47-49 of the APA的风格 Manual, 第七版)
    • Left align and single space paragraphs
    • One space after each sentence
    • Double space after each paragraph
    • References heading: center and bold

  4. 用法: Elements of Style
    • Use third person, e.g., "the author" or "the authors" rather than "I" or "we."
    • Avoid passive voice, e.g., Sue changed the flat tire (active voice) rather than "The flat tire was changed by Sue.(被动语态)
    • Check noun verb agreement; e.g., "My dog always growls at the mail person" (correct) rather than "My dogs growls at the mail person"
    • Avoid incomplete and run-on sentences
    • Proofread and spell check

  5. 图形:
    • No color graphics (use gray scale)
    • Label figures and tables

  6. 引用: 遵循这些 APA的例子, with one exception:
    • single space the entries with one double space after each citation. 

  7. Questions about Proceedings?